
Notes to Self
Along the Ray  

..musings on old-school-web livelihoods & creative pursuits

#newsletters How do I get new readers? https://notes.alongtheray.com/how-do-i-get-new-readers “Tell everyone you have a newsletter. Make a clipboard for your stand at the farmer’s market. Be on other people’s podcasts. Borrow audiences.” May-12-2024 00:15:39 -0400
May 12, 2024 updated May 12, 2024

How do I get new readers?

Your newsletter questions answered by Monday Monday →

Tell everyone you have a newsletter. Make a clipboard for your stand at the farmer’s market. Tell your followers social media. Make a lead magnet. […] Email everyone you know with the link to subscribe and ask them to share it.

I have a tiny mini-business card that has a picture of my camper on one side and on the back it says Follow me Along the Ray” with my website and email address which I’ll hand to folks curious about the full-time camping life or leave on bulletin boards, in bookstores, cafes, etc.

Borrow audiences. Be on other people’s podcasts and tell them you have a newsletter. Tell your parent’s friends. Tell your postal worker. Find another friend with a newsletter and trade links in your newsletters. Guest teach in a friend’s online course.

Like commenting on other blogs where you and I find each other. Most comment forms ask for your website address. Pop your newsletter in there.

A few more off the top of my head:

  • Link to your newsletter on your social media profiles and share new issues there
  • Put it in your email signature.
  • Definitely link to it in the header of your blog if you have one (see example on my personal blog)

Further from Cody @ Monday Monday:

This is also where relationship marketing comes in. Building relationships is important because it keeps us alive, but it also builds your creative and professional ecosystem where we cheer each other on in public. This brings in readers from other communities.

Another reason why comment sections are valuable - it’s how readers can interact not just with you but with other readers and share stories, tips, etc.

It can slowly build up from there and before you know it your blog or newsletter has its own little enduring community.

That’s how you keep readers too.

BTW, C.J. Chivers, a long time newsletterer of over twenty years recently put out a book called Principles for Newsletters. It’s a no-hype no nonsense read I heartily recommend. (If you happen to be tight on cash, I’ll buy it for you as a micro-scholarship to further your knowledge. Let me know.)

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https://notes.alongtheray.com Along the Ray

..musings on old-school-web livelihoods & creative pursuits

Notes Along the Ray

Somewhere on a river...

North American continent usually

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