Notes to Self
Along the Ray
..musings on old-school-web livelihoods & creative pursuits
On book writing. For newslettering or blogging too?
“Over twenty years I have probably averaged five hundred words a day for five days a week. I can produce a novel in a year, and that allows time for revision and the correction of the typescript. I have always been very methodical, and when my quota of work is done I break off, even in the middle of a scene.” ~ Graham Greene)
At that rate it’s around 130,000 words a year.
And sketches/drawing too:
Five quick minutes of daily sketching can get your skill pretty far. It’s a way to wire your brain to move your hand how you want it to move. Practice strokes, capture proportions, and decode perspective.
Needless to say, you can apply this logic to activities other than sketching that you enjoy doing. I’d like to do it for sketching and writing but I’ve yet to be consistent enough.
If doing this daily there will be a nice body of work to reference and string together over time. When looking back from the future those strings become meaningful.
Sorta like keeping a Zettelkasten?
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