
Notes to Self
Along the Ray  

..musings on old-school-web livelihoods & creative pursuits


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stream of notes Mike Malone #bookmarks Just someone trying to slow down and live with purpose. alexwlchan #bookmarks Alex Chan's personal website BagOfNothing.com #bookmarks Because this is all I have to offer…………a whole bag of nothing ALPHA reader #bookmarks my solo book club Hey Loura! #bookmarks JEDDACP.COM #bookmarks the hub for all of JEDDACP's websites Living Out Loud #bookmarks I blog about life and stuff. Bruce Beaumont #bookmarks I'm a human... Home • not all who wand3r are lost #bookmarks not all who wander are lost... Keenan #bookmarks A very good website by visual & verbal artist, Keenan. apan Photo Blogs | Photographer in Tokyo, Japan #bookmarks The photography blog of Alfie Goodrich - Photographer in Tokyo, Japan.

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