Notes to Self
Along the Ray
..musings on old-school-web livelihoods & creative pursuits
The Smartest People in the Room Are All Listening to the Same Podcast (archive) by Wall Street Journal →
It’s a wonky podcast about business history and strategy with four-hour episodes that drop once a month. And people from Silicon Valley to Wall Street are completely obsessed with it.
The origin story of Acquired begins a decade ago when Gilbert, now 34, and Rosenthal, 39, met at a mutual friend’s Passover in Seattle and kept in touch. Over lunch in January 2015, Gilbert mentioned an idea for a podcast that would analyze one successful tech acquisition per episode, and Rosenthal offered to co-host the show they would call Acquired.
Acquired launched that year with an episode about Pixar. Like most new podcasts, it had no listeners. That first show lasted 37 minutes and got a few hundred downloads over the next six months. Today’s episodes average more than 500,000.
Their focus - very deep dives on large corporations:
“How something started with nothing in obscurity and turned into the most important or valuable institution in our modern world,” Gilbert says. “That’s a hell of a hook, and that’s our hook basically every time.”
A single episode requires hundreds of hours of research, which is why they release only 12 a year and present them like events.
The hosts refer to Acquired as “the Hermès of podcasts,” which is a valuable brand to have. They now charge between $400,000 and $600,000 for four-episode sponsorships. (The current presenting sponsor is a unit of JPMorgan Chase.) It costs $40,000 a month just to advertise on the podcast’s archives,
Stunning. Good on ’em!
Most podcasts try to find an audience (like businesses seek customers) but these guys essentially made their own audience.
I mean who’d think there would be people out there willing to spend 4-5 hours listening to a podcast about seemingly boring corporations?
They did by going with it and thinking out of the box.
Better yet they only do it once a month, which beats having to do a show daily or weekly. They also need less “material” by only focusing on twelve companies a year as source material.
They say they spend about 100 hours of research on each monthly episode so that’s around 25 hours a week. Not too shabby at all.
Their sponsorship model is unique — sponsorships are on a per season (four episodes) basis so it’s less work not needing to get new sponsors for each show.
Figuring their sponsorship revenue:
At three seasons a year that’s over $3 million annual gross revenue (note they already raised their prices for “next next” season). And they’re basically working part time.
This doesn’t include a $40,000/monthly fee to advertise in their podcast archives and their speaking engagement fees of $100k-$225k a pop.
Holy moly.
In these kind of deep dives, subject matter… matters.
No one’s gonna want to listen to a four hour podcast on the news of the day.
Super specific niches, maybe. Like orchids for example? There’s tons of orchid lovers and a hundred million dollar industry. Coffee, perhaps? Wine?
Any others you can think of?
(h/t The Passive Voice)
how I write my blog by →
I have no artificial deadlines for when my blog has to be done for the day; it’s done when it’s done. I have no set length of how long my blog needs to be. I write till I can’t think of anything else to say, and then I close it or extend it till the next day. 99% of the time, I have no idea what I’m going to write about until I sit down at the computer and start writing something
Interesting laissez-faire approach to blogging. He’s consistently blogged since 2015 so that approach works well for him.
I like how it removes all restraints and morphs into an open notebook to plow into.
Blank page + blank mind = getting out of your own way.
P.S. His blank mind takes beautiful photos of his travels as a full-time nomad.
The SneakyArt Post by Nishant Jain →
Every now and then I leave drawings behind in public spaces with a little note at the back. It empowers me to cast my work ‘into the universe’ this way, to not feel pressured to sell all the time.
Love this idea — reminds me of old school guerrilla marketing in the real world.
Something to do when I’m sketching out ’n about? Or with my photos ala Polaroids?
Or perhaps postcard-sized stories about people I’ve met across my travels. Maybe do same with camping life?
This guy left a glamorous career as a PhD researcher in neuroscience to pursue his sketching passion full-time. He faced his fears head on and plowed into doing what he loves.
Very inspirational.
He’s gotten enough of a following to publish a book based on where he lives and now has a newsletter with 14,000+ subscribers.
Here and there I’ll share something off-topic. Gotta keep things light now and then, right?
Backyard Chickens by Cool Tools →
We’ve been buying baby chicks by U.S. mail from Murray McMurray Hatchery for 30-plus years. We’ll get a call from the postmaster, sometimes a bit flustered, because there’s a box there with peeping chicks awaiting pick-up. We’ll go get them and set them up with a light and feed and water, and lo and behold in three months we’ll have laying hens. Minimum order is 25, so the chicks can warm each other in transit.
Absolutely nuts — I had no idea one could order live baby chicks in the mail.
Once you have your own fresh eggs, you’ll never want store eggs again.
They’re right. I’ve bought some from local farmer’s markets. The eggshells are usually thicker and they do indeed taste better, more natural for lack of a better word.
In Costa Rica when you go shopping the eggs are not refrigerated. You’ll see them stacked on top of each other in foam trays in aisles or even outside. Again, thicker egg shells is why they’re able to do it.
The Voices.Media newsletter is no different from other newsletters in displaying advertisements but what’s clever is this little line below each ad:
…for potential advertisers to click and claim on the spot. Instant gratification and education by saying “hey your ad could be right here.”
.: archives & search :.